

  • Destroys the fetcher.

    You'll usually want to use this when your component unmounts in order to free up memory.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Display the landing message attached to the notification.

    The notification must have been fetched by this fetcher before.


    • notificationIdentifier: string

      The identifier of the notification to display

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Fetches new notifications (and resets pagination to 0).

    Usually used as an initial fetch and refresh method in an infinite list.

    Returns Promise<{
        endReached: boolean;
        foundNewNotifications: boolean;
        notifications: IInboxNotification[];

  • Fetches the next page of notifications.

    Usually used as a "fetchMore" method in an infinite list.

    Returns Promise<{
        endReached: boolean;
        notifications: IInboxNotification[];

  • Returns whether there is more notification to fetch.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Marks all notifications as read.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Marks a notification as deleted.

    The notification must have been fetched by this fetcher before.


    • notificationIdentifier: string

      The identifier of the notification to mark as deleted

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Marks a notification as read.

    The notification must have been fetched by this fetcher before.


    • notificationIdentifier: string

      The identifier of the notification to mark as read

    Returns Promise<void>